There's only one way to run a business!

business Nov 21, 2021

Before you come for me and tell me there's a thousand different ways to run a business, I get it. Let me explain. 


There are 1000 different strategies and ways to market what you're here to share. But there's one thing that underlies it all. Something that, if it isn't in alignment, the rest of your marketing strategies and all of that 'stuff 'just won't work.


Energy is everything. Everything you do in your business needs to be infused and enlightened with your unique energy, your unique blueprint you find in your Human Design chart and Gene Keys. 


It's just not true that we have to struggle in business but that's the way we're conditioned to think right?  That hard work equals abundance, success and safety. But it doesn't.


Abundance, joy and pleasure in our business is a frequency that's available to us all the time but often we don't see it because we're too busy pushing and hustling to notice it.


I struggled for years in business and finding Human Design was the key that unlocked all of this for me. I now understand it's not what I do but it's the energy I do it that is the 'secret'.


Resting and tuning in to the abundance frequency in everything is what has made the difference for me between struggling to get my business off the ground and letting the people that need my help come to me and expressing my brand, my energy and my message in a way that comes easily and effortlessly.


When souls come to the material plane to use the vehicle of business to help other souls expand, we dishonor our soul when we focus on the struggle and don't listen and receive.


How do you want to change the way you do business?