Married 6 days & already sleeping apart!

mindset psychic abilities Jan 15, 2022

‘Sleep well babe’, my new husband of only 6 days called out as he slammed the car door shut. I shifted around trying to get comfortable on the back seat in a shabby red sleeping bag. We eloped to Vegas the week before and we were already sleeping apart. As I lay there on the back seat in the middle of Big Basin Redwoods State Park, my mind whirled with the events of the previous night.

We had a beautiful, romantic evening toasting S’mores outside our tent cabin. We even had a visiting deer and her fawn pass by (which it turns out is one of my spirit animals!). The forest was so quiet and peaceful. We weren’t even disturbed by other campers close by.

That night just being in the cabin gave me a tremendous, heavy feeling of doom and foreboding. Then eerie sounds tore through the forest followed by the haunting wailing of a very young child & the feeling of someone else being in the cabin with us was overwhelming and confusing. I lay awake most of the night literally frozen in fear.

This intense experience was the catalyst for my spiritual awakening. After that, I heard & felt souls around me. I had dreams where souls were trying to communicate what had happened to them at the end of their life.

My loved ones who had crossed over felt like they were coming through with clear signs and symbols. But, this wasn’t altogether strange to me. I’d always had periods in life where I would get a feeling of a place separate from this world, somehere that felt like home. And my spiritual abilities have accelerated since that time.

How do you feel the presence of spirit?

(oh and I slept in the car bc there was no way in hell I was sleeping in that cabin!)