Navigating the Reality of Success in the Spiritual Business Space using Human Design

business gene keys generators human design manifesting generators Apr 13, 2024
Navigating the Reality of Success in the Spiritual Business Space using Human Design

😩 The Spiritual business space sold me a lie.

"Just be more magnetic! You need to be aligned enough for your ideal clients (the clients with open hearts and open wallets) to find you."

❌ That did not work for me. At all.

And when it didn't work for me, guess what happened ...

I blamed myself for not being 'magnetic enough' and not being in 'proper alignment'.

I punished myself for doing it 'wrong'. I wasn't magnetic enough. I wasn't in the proper alignment.

😞 This made me more anxious and frustrated, pushing me even further out of alignment.

πŸ’‘ But, when I understood that the other half of the story (the half we're never told) was that I had to use powerful sales and marketing strategies to support my energy ... I had to take aligned action to get me to my 6 figure goals and beyond ...

πŸ‘€ That's when I got more eyeballs on my offers. That's when my funnel started overflowing with leads and my sales system? It's currently rocking a 75% conversion rate.

Now, let me clarifyβ€”I'm not saying we should neglect our energy in business. Personally, I rely heavily on Human Design and Gene Keys when making decisions in my six-figure business.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Next time you see someone on Instagram pushing the idea that it's ALL about energy and alignment ...get curious about what they're NOT talking about