I used to find creating and marketing Human Design readings EXHAUSTING!

business gene keys human design energies Dec 28, 2021

I stopped offering them for a long time because even the thought of doing one had me feeling stressed, overwhelmed, freaked out and exhausted.


Some of my readings would go for 2 or 3 hours and exhaust me and the client I was reading for.


My open ego center had me wanting to prove my worth and prove the value of the reading by giving the client everything I could possibly tell them about their design and expecting them to sift through the information to get the most out of their reading.


I told myself that because the reading was recorded, the client would go back and watch it and discern what was most relevant.


I was expecting the client to do the work of editing their own reading.


I hear from so many Human Design readers who have the same struggles.


They learn this incredible system but no one teaches them how to structure and market their Human Design readings (don't get me started on the marketing, I used to have NO IDEA where to start with that!)


Now I also see a huge wave of new Human Design readers coming on line which is not a bad thing, it's great, but how do you stand out among all these readers?


In my experience, THE most POWERFUL way we can reach people through our readings is to reveal their unique energetic story so they can use it as a practical solution to solve issues they encounter in everyday life.


It's about marketing this sacred, life changing information from a place of joy & service.


Want to learn more about how to step into easily creating + marketing Human Design readings with magnetism, style + flow? 


Click here for all the deets fon my new bundle 'Structure + Market Human Design Readings' & stand out from the 'Human Design Reader crowd'!