I didn't trust women.

gene keys mindset Jan 11, 2022

For years I didn't trust women with my emotions. I felt unsafe and vulnerable around them. I had decades of traumatic experiences with women at work and at school. I couldn't understand why so many women took an instant dislike to me.

Wait, not just a dislike, a real visceral need to see me suffer.

I thought I must be a super weird or unlikeable person and I never made sense of it. Until I found the Pearl Sequence in Gene Keys. Meeting the shadow of my Vocation, gate 59 (unconscious mars) changed EVERYTHING for me!

When I met my core wound, the shadow of exclusion, I suddenly saw my struggles with women so clearly. The 59th shadow hides a deep distrust of others and makes the world a lonely place because it rarely communicates in real depth.

I realised I was excluding myself out of fear before others could exclude me. Our shadows are how we leak energy and vital power. As I contemplated my shadow of exclusion I moved into the gift of Intimacy, my zone of genius, and the Siddhi of Transparency, a whole new world of prosperity was revealed to me.

Now my entire business is based around energetic Intimacy with women and the more transparent I am, the more I step into my purpose.