Where do we have the greatest capacity to prosper?

gene keys Jan 15, 2022

Your vocation is your single most creative calling, your core wound and your zone of genius.

The journey through the Pearl Sequence in Gene Keys begins with the Vocation sphere (the unconscious Mars gate which is the 8th of the red gates on the left of your Human Design chart).

This shadow has us believe we cannot prosper from doing the things we love. Ironically this sphere also holds our deepest wound so it is where we have the greatest capacity to prosper. Our core wound is calculated from the position of Mars while we still in the womb.

The gift of Vocation is known for perhaps being the deepest contemplation of all the spheres and emerges as we live more courageously.

As you understand the insights of this sphere, it reveals layers of magic and meaning which support us in discovering our core talent, our zone of genius.

The siddhi is where we feel the fear and leap into the unknown anyway! It draws us out of our comfort zone to expand ours, and others, consciousness.

As our life opens up, this siddhi asks us to respond by simplifying and focussing on the essential. The siddhi isn't out of reach in the future, it is already within us, nestled in the folds of our DNA.

Which gate is your Vocation in? How does it feel to you?