I desire money.
Jan 24, 2022
I desire money to make a huge impact in the world.
I couldn't always say that.
The energy of money used to be linked with power and control in my mind and I didn't even realise it.
I thought money had to be 'earned' as though it was a reward for being a good girl by staying in a job that literally drained my soul.
I had negative money stories that ran deep and they were running the show by convincing me that money was for other people and not for me.
Now I have the tools to shift those stories and rewrite the future.
Unlocking our unconscious money stories to access our innate abundance stories is not hard, we just have to know where to look to find the keys.
Human Design and Gene Keys are just some of the keys Spirit has brought me to shift my money stories.
This process doesn't have to be hard.
My channel of Structuring 23-43, my freak to genuis channel, means the concept of Money Cartography™ that was brought to me by my Spirit team has been grasped as insights that have broken through in my ajna in gate 43, re-structured, then expressed simply through gate 23 in my throat center.
I was using this modality to help my coaching clients access the prosperity in their energetics before I even knew what Moeny Cartography™ was.
And now my line 6 and my gate 23 want to teach it you so you can change the f**cking world!
It's coming soon loves!