The one thing we all sell!
Jan 31, 2022
Your brand is an extension of your Spirit and personality, its your (or your offer's) outer representation, it's style and frequency.
When you express your brand, your truth, the energy shines bright to attract your 'soul family', your aligned clients, to your fractal line.
In business, we are all selling one thing, our truth. When we come into the material plane, we individuate away from source and away from oneness. Business is a vehicle for us to trade our truths, it's how we recognise individuality in one another, how we express our 'separate self' in the marketplace and on the material plane.
We are the product, whatever we sell, our truth is the 'product' and we are the 'brand'.
The gift of my Brand sphere (gate 5) is patience. When you spend time in my energy in my containers, you come to understand truly what 'flow' is, what right timing is and how not forcing things actually feels and how it works powerfully in business.
I pass that energy transmission to you as I express my brand, that's how you're drawn to my energy if my offers are right for you.
The brand sphere for Money Cartography™ is a line 4, so this container is all about understanding the keys to prosperity on material, emotional and spiritual levels.
Want to unlock your prosperity? Join me for 'Unconditional Money Live' 22-26 Feb If you desire to unlock your innate wealth to change the f**k out of your life and the world! Click HERE to grab your free seat!