How to run a Human Design chart without a birth time

human design energies Jan 15, 2022

The more accurate you can get someone's birth time, the more accurate their chart will be.

So what to do when the person you're reading for doesn't know their birthtime?

Connecting with Spirit using a pendulum always works for me!

And I don't even have a 'proper' pendulum. I use the end of a weighted necklace and it works beautifully and it's super easy, even if you've never done it before.

Get quiet and still, take some deep, cleansing breaths and drop your consciousness into that peaceful space behind your ears. Ask Spirit to guide you.

Hold the chain between your thumb and forefinger and rest your elbow on a flat surface.

Ask Spirit to show you which direction means no, which means yes and which means maybe/don't know.

For me, my answer directions do change so I re-establish them with Spirit each time.

Ask a couple of verifying questions that you know the answer to eg Is my name Becca? Do I live in Australia?

Then ask yes/no in blocks of time to narrow down the birth time eg was this person born before midday or was this person born between 5am and 10am.

Continue asking yes/no questions to narrow down the time window, until you can pinpoint a specific time.

I can usually narrow down the possibilites to a 15 minutes window.

Don't forget to express your gratitude to Spirit and 'clear' your pendulum by placing it in your other hand.

Have you used a pendulum? What do you use it for?