How to shift the f**k out of your mindset

business human design energies mindset Dec 19, 2021

Shifting your mindset is one of the foundations of the entrepreneurial journey. I spent 12 years using every marketing ‘strategy’ that dropped into my open head center to try and force a side hustle to rescue me from bone aching misery in my corporate job.

But it’s not about the strategy, it’s not about the funnel, it’s not about the email marketing, it’s about your MINDSET. It’s about your ENERGY.

Call it deconditioning. Call it shifting your mindset. Call it alignment.

I don’t care what you call it but this is vital work, essential to getting your business & life where you want them to be, essential to becoming a channel for the universe, Spirit or whatever you want to call it.

Maybe you don't know much about the 'woo woo' side of things but you've heard about Human Design, want to use it in your business but think its way too complex for you? Well my love we need to shift the f**k out of your mindset.

The stories we tell ourselves about what we can’t do are just that, stories. It’s not true that shifting those stories is hard, heavy work. I am constantly questioning the stories I tell myself about what I can be, do, have or deserve.

And I am constantly flipping the f**k out of them.

This is the process I use. This is the perspective I have. This is the way I see it through my defined ajna. Borrow it. Use it over and over & this will change the entrepreneur game for you my loves, it did for me.

- Recognise the same old story is playing in your head
- Recognise it’s just a story & it isn’t actually true
- Decide how you want it to work for you instead
- Connect to that new story over & over until it becomes your go to

What's one untrue story you want to shift right now? ✨