How my powerful sacral energy was hijacked to fulfill other people's agendas
Dec 07, 2021
In my Human Design chart I have a defined (colored in) sacral center.
This means I have consistent access to an incredible, internal, powerful, life giving internal power source.
It's the centre of creativity, work, play, pleasure, reproduction and it's the energy that has literally built the civilization we see around us with our bare hands.
When I have sovereignty over my energy (which is how I’m designed to live) I can use this incredible life-force to channel my energy into creating new ways of being, new paradigms, a fair and just society. One where people have equal access to resources and are empowered to live freely, joyfully and peacefully.
But I’ve learnt my powerful sacral energy can be employed to do the exact opposite.
Over the years, my potent sacral centre has been hijacked by people with their own agendas to fulfill.
Agendas based on money, power, greed and self interest.
I was fed the lie that the only way I could be safe and secure was to work for someone else until I die.
I was fed the lie that trusting my intuition was ‘woo woo’ and that Spirit wasn’t real.
But all this does is make a select few people in the world rich while I behave the way I’m told to out of fear.
I'm on a journey of UNLEARNING this lie.
I’m UNLEARNING the lies I’ve been told that I have to do anything for money to feel safe and secure regardless of whether it feels like sandpaper on my soul, drains my energy and makes me completely and utterly, bone achingly, miserable.
By UNLEARNING these lies and taking back my power in my sacral center, I can help build a world I want to live in. I can live an abundant life that brings me joy. I can help create systems and structures that raise up my fellow humans and animals instead of segregating us through division and mistrust.
What are you being called to UNLEARN?