F**k being told we're too much!

mindset Nov 21, 2021

I am so over watching amazing people hold their truth back through fear of what people will think. We've been conditioned to feel we're only safe when we inhabit these tiny, constrictive boxes others have put us in.


I used to keep myself in such a small box, only showing people a tiny part of who I actually was until I found Human Design.


My soul chose to come to the material plane at this time to express itself fully. By denying what our soul is here to do and by denying what we feel we really have to say and by denying our truth, we are disconnected from our soul and that's when we can feel anxious, depressed, lost, empty and on and on.


We have sovereignty over our energy. We don't need to look to external sources constantly for validation, it's all inside. We came to this earth with a purpose to enlighten, to awaken, to lift people up around us and to show people who we really are.


Blending my psychic abilities with my Human Design work has connected me back to who I am and what I'm here to do. I have a clear channel of communication with my soul and when it speaks to me I'm like nodding over here! I'm like 'yeah I get it' 'ok I know I'm here to do.'


I have a big big fat juicy vision to bring this feeling to as many people as possible through Human Design, psychic and mediumship abilities.


I'm here to connect people to their soul as a way for them to show us who they really are too so that the collective can benefit from their wisdom. So they stop holding back  through fear of being 'too much' or 'not enough', fear of standing out, fear of being told they're wrong.


Well f**k that !  Enough! What's your big, powerful, juicy, potent vision?