Do you feel me judging you?

human design channels Nov 24, 2021

Yep! That is my 18-58 Channel of Judgement, running between my spleen and root centers. The energy here has me looking for ways to improve everything for the benefit of everyone, scrutinising society and some might say a perfectionist streak.


I do sit in judgement. Impartial judgement. I'm pointing out what is and isn't working but that rubs some people up the wrong way sometimes, I totally get it.


But this channel is having me continually assess the social, working and living environments around me and looking to improve them. I definitely did that with my corporate job which is why I left as soon as I could!


It also has me judging education systems. I'm starting to turn this channel of judgement to the way we learn about psychic and mediumship abilities now, that they're starting to develop for me in a much deeper way.


In my judgement, combining Human Design with psychic abilities as a way to more easily and inclusively contact the wisdom of the other side makes complete sense! This judgement is spontaneous because the signals come from my spleen which is all about instantaneous hits of intuition.


In psychic readings this can have me turning this ever critical eye inward on me. I always take apart readings that I do and wonder was it me, was it my imagination, was that really Spirit coming through?  I'm learning to cut myself some slack and understand this journey is not designed to be perfect.